【 明 報 專 訊 】 Students who study English should clearly distinguish between three patterns of verbs:
1) the transitive verb ( 及 物 動 詞 ) ;
2) the intransitive verb ( 不 及 物 動 詞 ) ;
3) the ambi-transitive verb ( 以 上 兩 款 都 可 以 用 的 動 詞 ).
Details of each pattern and its sub-groups are given below.
All transitive verbs take objects which are "invariably different types of nouns".
所 有 及 物 動 詞 都 附 帶 受 詞 , 而 這 些 受 詞 「 必 然 是 各 類 不 同 的 名 詞 」 。
There are basically 3 types of transitive verbs:
a) A mono-transitive verb takes one direct object.
Example: I sing a song. ("A song" is the direct object of the transitive verb "sing".)
b) A "di-transitive verb" takes two objects.
Example: I buy John a book. ("A book" is the direct object ( 直 接 受 詞 ) of the transitive verb "buy" and "John" is the indirect object ( 間 接 受 詞 ))
c) A "tri-transitive verb" takes three or more objects.
Example: I buy John and Jane a book each. ("A book" is the direct object of the transitive verb "buy" and "John and Jane" are all indirect objects.)
An intransitive verb has no direct object.
However, intransitive verbs may take what is known as Cognate Objects ( 同 族 的 受 詞 ).
‧ Every one dies. 每 個 人 都 會 死 。 ("Die" is an intransitive verb.)
‧ This hero has died a good death! 這 英 雄 死 得 好 有 價 值 ﹗ (The verb "die" and the noun "death" both come from the same root. So the word "death" is a cognate object of the intransitive verb "die".)
The prefix "ambi" has its origin in Latin, meaning "both". Ambi-transitive verbs may be used both transitively and intransitively.
‧ I give you a book. 我 給 你 一 本 書 . ("Give" here is a transitive verb.)
‧ I give up! 我 放 棄 了 ﹗ ("Give" here is an intransitive verb.)
It is important to remember that only transitive verbs can be used in both the active and passive voices, as illustrated below.
It is also important to recognise that certain words are always used intransitively. These verbs do not take objects but are followed by prepositions instead, as underlined below: ( 見 附 表 )
‧ This book belongs to me.
‧ I smile at the man.
Constant reading helps one to be conscious of the correct pattern of usage to avoid mistakes.
1. The cup was broken. 這 杯 被 打 碎 了 。
Is the above sentence in the active voice? Or passive voice?
2. I slept a sound sleep. 我 睡 得 好 。
Is the word "slept" a transitive verb? Or intransitive verb?
3. I like reading books. 我 愛 讀 書 。
Is the word "like" a transitive verb? Or intransitive verb?
4. She possesses charm. 她 有 魅 力 。
Is the word "possesses" a transitive verb? Or intransitive verb?
5. I cannot stand him! 我 不 能 忍 受 他 ﹗
Is the clause "cannot stand" used transitively or intransitively?
作 者 為 前 港 英 高 官 , 移 居 澳 洲 多 年 , 著 作 多 元 化 , 包 括 回 憶 錄 、 小 說 、 英 語 教 學 書 、 散 文 等 。
文 ︰ 黃 錢 其 濂
1. This sentence is in the passive voice.
2. The word "slept" is an intransitive verb with a cognate object "sleep".
3. The word "like" is a transitive verb.
4. The word "possesses" is a transitive verb.
5. The clause "cannot stand" is used transitively.