2013年9月21日 星期六



1. Fred loves to tease Ethel and Lucy loves to tease Desi.
2. Because I was on a strict diet, I only ate the cake.
3. I cannot understand what happens to Pip.
4. Ethel broke the car, which is why Fred will not talk to her.
5. After we had left for Paris Englewood was thrown into grief.
6. Timmy blocked the kick with his face and did not know whether to cheer or to cry.
7. Natalie a skillful bus driver avoided all the traffic.
8. The family liked swimming at the beach and to run on the trails.
9. Each of the players know how to beat the competition.
10. I know to give the gift to whomever opens the door.

    answer :

    1.No, this is a compound comma error. The sentence should read: Fred loves to tease Ethel, and Lucy loves to tease Desi.
    2. No, this is a misplaced modifier. The sentence should read: Because I was on a strict diet, I ate only the cake.
    3. Yes, this sentence is correct.
    4. No, this is a pronoun reference error. The word 'which' does not have an antecedent. The sentence should read: Because Ethel broke the car, Fred will not talk to her.
    5. No, this is an introductory comma error. The sentence should read: After we had left for Paris, Englewood was thrown into grief.
    6. Yes, this sentence is correct.
    7. No, this is an interrupter comma error. The sentence should read: Natalie, a skillful bus driver, avoided all the traffic.
    8. No, this is a parallelism error. The sentence should read: The family liked swimming at the beach and running on the trails.
    9. No, this is a subject/verb agreement error. The subject of 'know' is 'Each,' which is singular. The sentence should read: Each of the players knows how to beat the competition.
    10. No, this is a pronoun case error. Because 'whoever' is the subject of the clause 'whoever opens the door,' the pronoun should be in the nominative case. The sentence should read: I know to give the gift to whoever opens the door.


